Clearing the way for spring

This has been a beautiful week in Northeast Georgia! The weather has been perfect for working outdoors, and we have enjoyed it!  We have spent several days clearing out the woods behind the barn to make a nice landscape bed and some little trails through our property.  Most of what we are clearing has been young privet and sweet gum.  We started cutting down the little trees and uncovered a pile of broken cinder block from the barn remodel.  It is not the most attractive edging, but it was there and needed to be dealt I used it to outline a planting bed for a new dogwood and maybe some creeping phlox will cover the unattractive block pieces one day.

You can see how much privet we have cut down in this area (there are several piles like this around the farm right now) and how much we have left to do.  Privet is an invasive weed that will take over almost anywhere.  The plant itself is not entirely unappealing:

We don't like to leave privet behind because it is soooo invasive!  But sometimes it acutally is attractive. In the above image, my husband had trimmed this little privet tree, and I hung a bird house that I found on the property.  I think it is kind of cute standing next to one of our little paths.

We also have some beautiful old trees on our property: A lot of them are sweet gums, which is a nice shade tree and gets HUGE!

However,  I really dislike the sweet gum balls that fall out of the trees and lay all over the ground!  The sweet gum is also invasive.  It grows from seed and sprouts from roots and trees that have fallen and been partially uprooted.

Cutting down the privet and sweet gum is taking A LOT of time and work-my arms are so sore! But it is very gratifying to see the landscape cleared out, and I love our little paths that we made!  I can't wait for it to get warm enough to plant a pretty dogwood in our planting bed!

In early spring there is so much prep work that needs to get done in the yard and garden!

 OTHER things I need to do-
1. Fertilize and prune landscape plants
2. Clear landscape beds of weeds
3. Spread mulch/compost in beds that are cleared
4. Finish cleaning the greenhouse
5. Start tomato and pepper seeds (it is super late already! We usually have hundreds of seedlings by now!)

Have you started your early spring garden tasks???


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