Eight Sweet Gum Crafts

Sweet Gum Trees
I have talked about sweet gums before in this little blog's short life.  I was admiring a large sweet gum on our property that has the most beautiful long branch that sways over one area on the farm.

I was pondering the fact that I love the look of these trees, but I really despise those little sweet gum balls.  I used to call them cockleburs.  I don't even know how to spell that because I never wrote it down, that's just what we said. Cockleburs. Now I know they are sweet gum pods or balls or whatever they are annoying.  I always twist my ankle walking on these things!  Anyway, I have this love-hate relationship with these trees so I began to wonder what good comes from these things? Low and behold there are some interesting ideas about using cockleburs for crafts out in internet land. Here are some of the ideas I found.

All of these images are borrowed from other bloggers or websites. Follow the links to their original source.

1. Make a wreath with sweet gum balls and hang it on your nicely aged red barn.  It looks good right there, doesn't it?

The tutorial at PHS says to hot glue the balls to a grapevine wreath.  They make it sound so simple, but I'm sure it would take a long time to make the wreath look as good as this one.

I like natural look in the above photo, but I'm loving it in bright green!  Miss B.e.e. at B.E. Interiors has a much better tutorial on making the wreath.

2. Make adorable tiny topiaries! I love all things tiny.  I also have a thing for topiaries. So this is perfect for me.  I think these would also be really cute in bright colors for spring!

Liz at From These Hands made these with just a few craft supplies. 
 Imagine decorating these for Easter or making some for your fairy garden! So cute!

3.  Make a modern floral arrangement. Here are some sweet gums in bright colors.  I love the way these turned out.  They are simple and modern and add a nice pop of color.

Carmen at Life Blessons made these to mimick Billy Ball arrangements. 
 I have to admit, I do not know about Billy Balls, but these are pretty cute..

4.  Make a tiny floral arrangement.  How cute is this tiny arrangement? Have I mentioned it's tiny?

This image is from a Pinterest pin, and doesn't have a tutorial. 
 I imagine you would need some wire and hot glue. 
 I wonder how they are held up in the pot...
maybe spray some "Great Stuff" in there? Or sand???

5. Make bird feeders.  I have really come to enjoy watching birds on our property.  It is a peaceful and joyful experience to observe their behaviors when they forget you are looking. 

Jane at Fun In The Making made a variety of bird feeders with pinecones and other seed pods as well.  She then decorates her trees with the bird feeders.  I can imagine them hanging from branches and a variety of birds enjoying the treat!

6. If you don't like tiny things as much as I do, then you can make a giant bunny!

This one lives at Eden Farms Online where Nichole Agnew created this nearly four foot bunny by hot gluing sweet gum balls to a wire frame.  She did a great job!

7. Make a christmas tree!

I could not find the original source of this image, but I really liked this multi colored version.  I suppose, like other crafts, this one is made by hot gluing the balls to a tree form.  I like the brown and green balls with red berry accents.

8. When all else fails....make your husband stick them to his beard?

Am I the only one imagining (gently) tossing these little prickly balls at my husband's face to see if they stick to his beard?  


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