Time To Start Planting

This is such a busy time of year for gardeners! 

Here at Whippoorwill Gardens, we are in full gardening mode!

We've got seedlings and transplants going in the greenhouse...

Tomatoes in containers queuing up in the shade house...

And plowed fields ready for seeds and plants.

We planted melons, squash, and potatoes in the field above just yesterday. Some of our crookneck squash seed is a few years old, so hopefully it comes up. But if not, there's still time to replant it.

We should have a very exciting gardening year ahead! 

Mid-April is exactly the right time to start planting your garden down here.

We should still get some spring showers to help you keep your plants watered, and the days are nice and warm.

A couple tips for planting:

1. Make sure you plan ahead for space requirements as crowded plants will have more trouble with disease, pests, and need more frequent fertilizing.

2. Don't try to plant things that hate the heat! It's time to plant squash, watermelon, and tomatoes, but save your cabbage, broccoli, and kale for the fall...unless you have a cool spot to grow them.

3. Before you plant, have a plan for getting water to them. Watering the plants needs to be simple or it will become a chore you dread doing in the middle of summer!

Now what are you waiting for? Get out and garden! :)


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