The Origin of Whippoorwill Gardens

When Mark and I met about 5 years ago, I never imagined it would change my life so much! I grew up in a well-off suburban area of Atlanta.  We had a big house.  We had nice cars.  We were members of the Country Club.  The women played tennis.  The boys played golf. We did karaoke.  We watched laser discs...pause to let that sink in...We did not grow tomatoes.

I became interested in gardening while I was in graduate school...long before I met the man who changed my life.  I had some basil and mint in the back yard and started playing in the dirt with landscape plants.  Later I tried some tomatoes...I never got to eat them because my toddler, at the time, loved to play with the green tomato babies.  But, hey, I tried. 

Then some stuff happened, and I became a single mom.  It wasn't long before I met Mark, and quickly thereafter, my gardening adventure started in earnest.  That first year he had me planting sage, tomatoes, squash, watermelons, peppers, okra.  We managed thousands of plants and varieties of vegetables.  It was hot and sweaty and peaceful, and I loved it.  I fell in love with our small town, farming, and, of course, Mark. is Mark's fault that I am creating this blog to document our gardening and non-gardening adventures.  Because I also changed his life, we are now expanding the farm to include a party barn, chickens, goats, eventually our dream home, and whatever else I dream up from perusing Pinterest or just good old-fashioned daydreaming.  I do that a lot.  Daydream that is.

I can't wait to show you everything we have done and are doing.  This blog might be a bit all over the place as my interests evolve.  I plan to do a little of everything including growing food, photography, party planning, cooking, baking, animal husbandry, landscaping, decorating...whatever comes up I want to be able to do it. And I am going to talk about it and document the process on this blog. I hope for the first real post to go up later this week.  

It is almost spring.  It's time to start seeds, prep the garden beds, mow down the weeds.  I am so excited.  It's going to be an awesome year!


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