WG Weekly Update 1

I've let this blog go quiet for long enough!

As if I don't have enough to do, I thought I would start a weekly update for the farm just to share with everyone what we are doing.

This week has been very exciting for us at Whippoorwill Gardens.

We got some chickens!!

I've been wanting chickens for over 5 years, and I decided to finally just do it! We bought a few day old chicks at the local Tractor Supply.

We have 3 Amber link pullets and 3 Bantams. The Bantams were straight run, so hopefully we didn't get 3 roosters! LOL

We named them Chirp, Tetrazzini, Jewel, Baby, Cookie, and Marsala. Here are some pics:

We created a brooder out of a 50 gallon plastic container, and they've been quite happy. They've even started running to me when I reach in because I've been bringing them crickets and tomatoes.

They've been so fun and very tolerant of being picked up and handled!

Garden news

We have our hoop house built and ready for the shade cloth. 

We'll grow most of our tomatoes in there in buckets. Next to it will be our main kitchen garden with okra, summer and winter squash, green beans, more tomatoes, some peppers, watermelons, cantaloupes, eggplant, etc.

It's been an issue getting the garden ready with all the rain we've been getting. You can't plow or work with the dirt when it's wet. It will get all clumpy and hard. But we have tons of tomatoes and minimaters (our own line of tomatoes) going already so we're prepared for planting day whenever we get to do it!

That's all for this week. I'll check in next Monday. Till then make sure you follow us on Facebook for updates and an announcement about where you can buy our plants and produce!

Happy Gardening!


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